The Center for NaProEthics, the ethics division of the Saint Paul VI Institute ponders, proclaims and promotes the Catholic Church’s position on issues including, but not limited to: family planning, reproductive/genetic technologies, stem cell research, embryo adoption, marriage, family, and sexuality.

Sister Renée Mirkes, OSF, PhD directs the Center for NaProEthics in collaboration with a distinguished panel of off-campus experts in the fields of medicine, philosophy, and theology.

Sister Renée accomplishes the goals of the Center through:


Click here for a list of the wide range of topics she addresses in her published works. Photocopies of some of the articles are available by request:

Browse article titles that address contemporary issues in procreative and birth ethics by highlighting the Catholic vision of procreation, marriage, family, and sexuality. Click here for comments on her publications.


Click for directions to set up a phone appointment or an office appointment. Questions from priests, deacons, and religious; physicians and nurses; health care institutional ethics committees; diocesan family, NFP, and pro-life offices; FCPs, medical consultants, and couple who seek Catholic guidance in making moral decisions in procreative and birth issues are welcome. Click here for comments from her consultees.


Sister Renée is a faculty member for the Omaha based (A) Creighton Model FertilityCare Allied Health Education Programs for FertilityCare Providers (FCPs) and medical consultants and (B) the Love & Life Unlimited Conference, designed to give an overview of NaProTechnology, the signature system of women’s health care developed by Dr. Thomas W. Hilgers, as well as the philosophy and theology that grounds it. Click here for comments from her students.

Speaking Engagements

Sister Renée is a nationally-known and dearly loved lecturer who offers workshops and presentations on the Catholic Church’s position on: marriage and procreation, infertility, embryonic stem cell research, sexuality, human personhood, feminine anthropology and more to a variety of audiences. To book a presentation or for more information about booking presentations, call Sister Renée at 402.505.8923. Click here for comments from members of her audiences.

Contact information

Phone: 402.505.8923
Fax: 402-505-8956