• New! “The Tyranny of IVF,” July 21, 2024 Catholic World Report. READ ONLINE
  • Social Media, Tweens, and Teens: Data, Consequences, Solutions, February 3, 2024, Catholic World Report. READ ONLINE
  • Benjamin B. Ferencz: Applications of his legacy for the human rights of the unborn, Fall 2023 Newsletter for Nebraskans Embracing Life. VIEW PDF
  • Bad ideas continue to have bad consequences, Catholic World Report, April 30, 2023. READ ONLINE
  • Contraception Redux, Catholic World Report, December 19, 2022. READ ONLINE
  • Aquinas on When Human Life Begins, The Catholic Thing, May 18, 2022. READ ONLINE
  • The Tyranny of Sex Denialism, Catholic World Report, March 22, 2022. READ ONLINE
  • My ‘Dog Days’ Blues: Tension, realism, and the 2023 Synod on synodality, Catholic World Report, August 13, 2021. READ ONLINE
  • The Case for a Global Ban on Surrogacy, Catholic World Report, June 10, 2021. READ ONLINE
  • Creighton Model FertilityCare System: Celebrating the Genius of Women, Nebraskans Embracing Life Newsletter, April, 2021. VIEW PDF
  • “Virtue Over Victimhood.” Crisis Magazine, September 8, 2020. VIEW ONLINE
  • “NaProTechnology: A Medical Embodiment of the Catholic Perspective on an Infertile Couple’s Right to Family Planning.” Ethics & Medicine, Vol. 36:2 Summer 2020. VIEW PDF
  • “Wanted: A COVID-19 vaccine that’s safe, effective, and moral.” Catholic World Report, May 8, 2020. VIEW PDF
  • “Prenatal genetic testing and the light of mercy” Catholic World Report, August 26, 2019. VIEW ONLINE
  • “Transhumanist Medicine: Can We Direct Its Power to the Service of Human Dignity?” Linacre Quarterly, March 29, 2019. VIEW PDF
  • “INVOcell: A Catholic-friendly treatment for infertility?” Catholic World Report, January 18, 2019. READ ONLINE
  • “Human Head Transplants: Why It’s Time for a Serious Debate,” Ethics & Medicine, Vol. 34:3 Fall 2018. VIEW PDF
  • “Same-sex ‘Marriage’ Opens the Door to Polyamory,” Crisis Magazine, October 30, 2017. READ ONLINE
  • “The CRISPR revolution: Getting ahead of the ethical curve,” Catholic World Report, September 25, 2017. READ ONLINE
  • “Why efforts to sabotage conscientious objection in healthcare must not stand,” Catholic World Report, May 23, 2017. READ ONLINE
  • “Three End-of-Life Cases: Resolving Their Moral Dilemmas,” Ethics & Medicine, Vol. 33:2 Summer 2017. VIEW PDF
  • “The ‘dark heart’ of human-robot companionship,” Catholic World Report, February 17, 2017. READ ONLINE
  • “NaProTECHNOLOGY®: A Remedy for the Injustice of IVF,” Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly, Fall/Winter 2016. VIEW PDF
  • “The Gender Identity Mandate: The latest threat to health care rights of conscience,” Catholic World Report, Sept. 13, 2016 VIEW ONLINE
  • “Aristotelian-Thomistic Moral Analysis of Two Cases of Medical Induction for Previable Infants,” Ethics & Medicine, Summer, 32.2, 2016. VIEW PDF
  • “Healthcare Rights of Conscience: An Endangered Species,” Catholic World Report, July 2015. READ ONLINE
  • “Three Parent Embryos: Gearing Up for the Debate,” Catholic World Report, , March, 2015. READ ONLINE
  • “Why Fighting Against ISIL is Not Murder,” Catholic World Report, December, 2014. READ ONLINE
  • “Same-Sex Marriage and Parenting: Four Big Myths Debunked,” Catholic World Report, May, 2014 READ ONLINE
  • “The HHS Mandate and the Principle of Legitimate Cooperation,” Truth & Charity, January, 2014. READ ONLINE
  • “Prospective Chromosome Therapy for Down Syndrome: Hopes, Fears, and Ethics,” Catholic World Report, January, 2014. READ ONLINE
  • “Ways to Celebrate Humanae Vitae at 45 — and Beyond,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review,December 23, 2013. VIEW PDF
  • “Two Kinds of Happiness,” Truth & Charity (online), August, 2013. READ ONLINE
  • “The Injustices of the Surrogacy Industry,” Catholic World Report (online), August, 2013. READ ONLINE
  • “The Evaluation and Treatment of Cervical Factor Infertility: A Medical-Moral Analysis,” Linacre Quarterly, November (Vol. 79, No 4) 2012. Catherine E. Keefe, M.D., Renee Mirkes, O.S.F., Ph.D., and Patrick Yeung Jr., M.D. VIEW PDF
  • “Myth-busting the ‘Contraceptive Mandate’ Debate” Catholic World Report, June, 2012. VIEW PDF
  • “Conscience and Competing Liberty Claims,” Ethics & Medicine, 29.1, 2013 (co-authored with Law professor, EA Morse). VIEW PDF
  • “Reducing Uterine and Ovarian Mortality Risks of Religious Sisters: A Critique and Counterproposal,” NCBQ, Summer 2012:235-238. VIEW PDF
  • “Conscience Matters,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review, March 2012. READ ONLINE
  • “Anything Goes: The culture of reproductive medicine,” The Catholic World Report, November, 2011:12-16. VIEW PDF
  • “Pheromones and Common Scents,” Ethics & Medics, November, 2011, Vol. 36, Number 11. VIEW PDF
  • “The Ethics of Ovarian Tissue Transplantation: A Teleological Analysis,” Ethics & Medicine,Summer [27.2] 2011. VIEW PDF
  • “Saint Paul VI Institute at 25: Celebrating Its Magnum Opus,” Voices, Christmastide, 2010. READ ONLINE
  • “Does Pharmacologically-altered Memory Change Personal Identity?” Ethics & Medicine,Vol. 26.3, Fall, 2010. VIEW PDF
  • “The Conceivex Kit Reconsidered” Ethics & Medics, December 2009, Volume 34, No. 12. VIEW PDF
  • “Needed: An Ethics Audit of Catholic Sterilization Policies and Practices,” Linacre Quarterly, TBP in Spring, 2009. VIEW PDF
  • “Celebrating the Feminine Genius,” Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly, Winter, 2009. VIEW PDF
  • “The Mortuary Science of Alkaline Hydrolysis: Is It Ethical?” The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, Winter, 2008. VIEW PDF
  • “Protecting the Right of Informed Conscience in Reproductive Medicine,” The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, Vol. 33, 2008, pp. 374-393. VIEW PDF
  • “Reading Brain Scans for Intention Identification: A Tale of Two Anthropologies,” Ethics & Medicine, Spring, 2008. VIEW PDF
  • “Self-Identity and the Facial Transplant Patient,” NCBQ. Spring issue, 2008.
  • “The Ethics of Uterus Transplantation.” Linacre Quarterly, May, 2008. VIEW PDF
  • “The Children of Men and Elective Infertility” Our Sunday Visitor, Jan. 28, 2007. VIEW PDF
  • “Confessions of a Franciscan Ethicist,” Review for Religious, Vol. 66.1, 2007. VIEW PDF
  • “The Hoplite Phalanx Effect of Pregnancy,” The Catholic Response, July/August, 2006. VIEW PDF
  • “Should We Produce Human-Animal Chimeras?” National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly (Winter, 2006). VIEW PDF
  • “NaProTechnology: Healthcare Women Really Need,” USCCB Forum, Vol. 17, Nos. 1 & 2, Winter/Spring, 2006. VIEW PDF
  • “Deriving Morally Uncontroversial Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Lines: Obligation or Election?” Stem Cell Reviews, Volume 1, Issue 4, 2006. VIEW PDF
  • “Newborn Screening: Toward a Just System,” Ethics & Medicine, Vol. 22, Fall, 2006. VIEW PDF
  • “The Death Penalty: What’s a Catholic To Think?” The Catholic Response, Vol. 2, no. 3, November/December, 2005. VIEW PDF
  • “A Tale of Failed Feminism,” Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly, Vol. 28, No. 2, Summer, 2005. VIEW PDF
  • “The Ethics of Infertility Treatment: An Upbeat Update,” Dallas Bishops Workshop Proceedings(National Catholic Bioethics Center) 2005. VIEW PDF
  • “Women’s Health Care and the New Humanism,” The Catholic Response, Vol. 1, no. 1, July/August, 2004. VIEW PDF
  • “NaProTechnology and the New Humanism,” Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly,Summer, 2004. VIEW PDF
  • “NaProTechnology and the New Humanism,” in The Medical and Surgical Practice of NaProTechnology, T. W. Hilgers, Saint Paul VI Institute Press, 2004.
  • “Demythologizing the Kinsey Reports,” Catholic Answer, Vol. 18, March/April, 2004. VIEW PDF
  • “The Benefits of Married Sexual Love,” Catholic Answer, Vol. 17, January/February, 2004. VIEW PDF
  • “The Wrongs of Animal Rights,” NCBC Quarterly, (Summer, 2003). VIEW PDF
  • “Oral Contraception and the Principle of Double Effect,” Ethics & Medicine, Vol. 18:2 (Summer 2002): 11-22. VIEW PDF
  • “Sex and Teen Health,” The NaProEthics Forum, January, 2002: 1-2. VIEW PDF
  • “The Inside Story of ‘The 50 Most Beautiful,’” Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly,Summer, 2001: 8-12. VIEW PDF
  • “Beauty Is More than Skin Deep,” Our Sunday Visitor, August 13, 2001.
  • “Ethics Guidelines for ES Cell Research,” The NaProEthics Forum, July, 2001: 4-5. VIEW PDF
  • “The Stepchild of Teen Health,” Catholic Answer, July, 2001: 57-62. VIEW PDF
  • “NBAC and Embryo Ethics,” The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, Summer, 2001:163-187. VIEW PDF
  • “Lessons from the Gotham Gaffe,” Catholic Answer, May/June, 2000: 36-42. VIEW PDF
  • “Of Pillars and Spores: The Genius of Woman,” Sisters Today, March, 2002: 135-141. VIEW PDF
  • “A Theology of Fertility Awareness for Women Religious,” Review For Religious, January, 2000: 277-85. VIEW PDF
  • “To Be A Priestly NFP-Backer“ (Grieshog and Beyond), Catholic Answers, Vol. 12, No. 6, January, 1999: 41-43, 45, 55. VIEW PDF
  • “Contraceptive Sterilization and Professional Family Planning.” co-authored with Thomas W. Hilgers and Rev. Stephen Toracco, Linacre Quarterly. February, 1998: 19-31.
  • “Of Pillars and Spores: The Genius of Woman,” Canticle. Summer, 1998.
  • “Aquinas and Moral Virtue,” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly. Autumn, 1997, Vol. LXXI, No. 4.
  • “Theories of Evolution and the Simple Simon Syndrome,” Linacre Quarterly. May, 1997: 78-88. VIEW PDF
  • “The Domino Theory Revisited,” Catholic Answers. July, 1997: 32-7. VIEW PDF
  • “Aquinas’s Doctrine of Moral Virtue and Its Significance for Theories of Facility,” The Thomist.Vol. 61, No. 2, April, 1997. VIEW PDF
  • “But Aren’t NFP Methods Just Natural Forms of Contraception?” Academy Activity. Summer, 1996, p. 1.
  • “Aquinas on the Unity of Perfect Moral Virtue and Its Significance for the Nature-Grace Question.” Dissertation. Milwaukee Marquette University, 1995. VIEW PDF
  • “Oresme, Hildegard of Bingen, and Conjugal Ethics,” New Blackfriars. September, 1995. VIEW PDF
  • “A Rhetorical Analysis of 1 Corinthians 15,” In Directions in New Testament Methods. ed. Martin C. Albl, Paul R. Eddy and Renee Mirkes, OSF, Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1993, pp. 63-70.
  • “The Matthean Author’s Use of Redaction: An Exegesis of Matthew 8:18-27,” In Directions in New Testament Methods. ed. Martin Albl, Paul R. Eddy and Renee Mirkes, OSF. pp. 31-37.
  • “Uterine Isolation: A Euphemism?” Ethics and Medics. Vol. 18, No. 1, 1993. VIEW PDF
  • “Science, Homosexuality, and the Church,” Ethics and Medics. Vol. 17, No. 6, 1992. VIEW PDF
  • “The Rhythm Method: An Upbeat Update,” Ethics and Medics. Vol. 16, No. 7, 1991. VIEW PDF
  • “Programmed By Our Genes?” Ethics and Medics. Vol. 16, No. 6, 1991. VIEW PDF
  • “The Norplant Debate: A Rebuttal,” Ethics and Medics. Vol. 16, No. 4, 1991. VIEW PDF
  • “Latent Evils in a Wished-For-Good,” Ethics and Medics. Vol. 15, No. 7, 1990. Coauthor of script and participant and facilitator manuals for the video A Matter of Life and Death: Terminal Treatment Decisions and the Church (copyright, 1990). Oblate Media and the Pope John Center. VIEW PDF
  • “Sex and Trisomy 21,” (Part II) Ethics and Medics. Vol. 15, No. 6, 1990. VIEW PDF
  • “Sex and Trisomy 21,” (Part I) Ethics and Medics. Vol. 15, No. 5, 1990. VIEW PDF
  • “RU 486, Medical Progress, and Wisdom,” Ethics and Medics. Vol. 15, No. 3, 1990. VIEW PDF
  • “PAS and the Second Victim of Abortion,” (Part II) Ethics and Medics, Vol. 14, No. 12, 1989. Co-author of script and facilitator and participant manuals for the educational video Of Wishes and Glass Dishes: High Tech Babies and the Church (copyright, 1989). Oblate Media and Pope John Center. VIEW PDF
  • “PAS and the Second Victim of Abortion,” (Part I) Ethics and Medics, Vol. 14, No. 11, 1989. VIEW PDF
  • “Fictions, Fallacies, and Pro-Choice Rhetoric,” Ethics and Medics. Vol. 14, No. 10, 1989. VIEW PDF
  • “Selective Termination: Doing Evil to Achieve Good?” (Part II) Ethics and Medics., Vol. 14, No. 7, 1989. VIEW PDF
  • “Selective Termination: Doing Evil to Achieve Good?” (Part I) Ethics and Medics., Vol. 14, No. 6, 1989. VIEW PDF
  • “Euthanasia Debate,” Letter to the editor, National Catholic Register, 7 May 1989, p. 4.
  • “Abortion will remain unjust killing,” Editorial, Houston Post. 27 December 1989, p. A-17.
  • “It’s All in the Nature of Things,” Ethics and Medics. Vol. 14, No. 3, 1989. VIEW PDF
  • “Turning on by Plugging in,” Ethics and Medics. Vol. 14, No. 1, 1989. VIEW PDF
  • “Mama’s Baby, Papa’s Maybe,” Ethics and Medics. Vol. 13, No. 10, 1988.