Directions to Set Up a Phone Appointment
If you are calling from outside the Omaha area, and wish to make an appointment for an ethics consult via phone:
- E-mail Sister Renée —; describe briefly your question, and request a phone appointment.
- Sister Renée will e-mail you with dates and times for the call that fit her schedule.
- E-mail back to confirm which time and date is conducive to your schedule.
- Sister Renée confirms the appointment by a second return e-mail.
- You initiate the phone consult call at the designated time. (There is no fee for the consults, but we do require that the consultee initiates the phone call.)
Directions to Set Up an Office Appointment
If you live within the Omaha area and wish to set up a personal ethics appointment at the Saint Paul VI Institute’s Center for NaProEthics office (6901 Mercy Rd, Omaha):
- Call Sister Renée at (402) 505-8923; describe briefly your question and request an office ethics consult.
- Select the time and date from the available options.
- Arrive at your scheduled time, enter through the north door and use the second door on the right. The Center for NaProEthics is directly ahead.
- Sister Renée is also available via Skype at ethicsvi and she can be faxed at (402) 505-8956.
While there is no formal charge for ethics consults, a donation to the Saint Paul VI Institute is always welcome.