Houston Pre-Conference Seminar

What the Science of Human Fertility Can Teach Us About the Existence of GOD, our loving, SUPER-INTELLIGENT CREATOR! Thomas W. Hilgers, MD, Dip. ABOG, ABLS, SPS, SRS, CFCMC, CFCE, CFCP A SPECIAL SIX-HOUR SEMINAR PRESENTATION BY THOMAS W. HILGERS, MD Wednesday, July 24, 20249 AM – 4:30 pm C. Baldwin Hotel ■ Houston, TX (713) 759-0202 Hotel registration separate. Luncheon address: Rev.


Education Program I (Class 47)

The Saint Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction is the leading education and research center in the United States in the area of the natural regulation of human fertility and the development of morally and professionally acceptable reproductive health services. Dedicated to Saint Paul VI’s challenge to physicians and health care professionals and to men of science,